

4 Products/Or

  1. Guardiola - Passopisciaro


    In Europe the year 2013 was very cold. In Etna mountain the maturation of our Chardonnay's grapes, from which we produce Guardiola, was dragged to the end of September for the height of our vineyards (1000m above sea level) and the violent fluctuations between night and day. Once fermented white wines were green, but after staying for long months on the lees, after the spring in the year 2014, the wines started to have a complex structure. Learn More
    € 62,87
    € 52,18 -17%
  2. Contrada Sciaranuova - Passopisciaro


    Lava is soft and slurred, as crumbly charcoal wet. Between 850 and 900 meters, it is hidden in a fresh channels, exposed to the sun from the first to the last hour of the day. Wines are deep and result from plants Nerello Mascalese over 80 years, 1 hectare. Learn More
    € 52,67
    € 43,89 -17%
  3. Sicilia IGT - Passopisciaro


    Passopisciaro 2012 is a sharp and close wine, it comes from the higher areas of Etna, Sicily. This is a strong and full-bodied wine. 2012 was an exceptional year to remember as among the best years of Mount Etna. This wine will age for a long time. We recommend to serve it cold. Learn More
    € 32,87
    € 28,27 -14%
  4. Contrada Porcaria - Passopisciaro


    At 600 and 700 meters there is a big medieval district that is suspended in the air and it is exposed at the North. The soil is made of a frail lava sheet that splinters under one’s feet. We make wine from about one hectare that we own in Porcaria. Learn More
    € 61,91
    € 51,59 -17%

4 Products/Or

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