

5 Products/Or

  1. Nero per Sempre - Pratello


    This wine has a deep ruby red color with purple highlights. When you smell it there is an invasion of aromas like ripe red fruit, nutmeg, china, followed by feeling of grapes, blackberries and plum jam. You can combine this wine with lots of food courses, for example with cured meats, hunting game, red meats and cus-cus. Learn More
    € 27,59
    € 22,99 -17%
  2. Torrazzo Valtènesi DOC - Pratello


    Deep ruby red color with medium body. Nice and strong aromatics scents of red fruits, mostly cherry. In the mouth the taste is aggressively pleasant but wrapped in a complex and unexpected fruitiness. The level of acidity makes it fresh fruity and smooth on the palate. Learn More
    € 11,75
    € 9,79 -17%
  3. Sant'Emiliano Chiaretto Valtenesi DOC - Pratello


    Perfumes are a very special sensual harmony: they are clean, clear, unmistakable, ranging from taste of banana, Kaiser pear, cedar and golden apple. Flavors have unprecedented extensive freshness: the fresh grapes’ taste is clear, it is picked at the right moment and it is palpable in every corner of the palate. The wine is fruity, soft and fresh. You can combine it with lots of food courses: especially fish, pizza, risotto with vegetables and with light summer courses. Learn More
    € 13,75
    € 12,10 -12%
  4. Il Rivale Lugana DOC - Pratello


    When you look at the wine you can note that colors are modeled with gold color that is not intense, whose pale greenish shades is well-structured; the traces are intact and are reflected in the venous disk which shows dense and compact glyceride arches. The wine has a floral and fruity hints, whose smoothness is perceived with clean sensations of juniper berries and Golden Delicious apple and finishes beautifully with pear William. Learn More
    € 18,35
    € 15,29 -17%
  5. Lugana DOC Catulliano - Pratello


    When you look at the wine you can note that colors are modeled with gold color that is not intense, whose pale greenish shades is well-structured; the traces are intact and are reflected in the venous disk which shows dense and compact glyceride arches. The wine has a floral and fruity hints, whose smoothness is perceived with clean sensations of juniper berries and Golden Delicious apple and finishes beautifully with pear William. Learn More
    € 14,39
    € 13,09 -9%

5 Products/Or

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