

3 Products/Or

  1. La Fabriseria Amarone della Valpolicella - Tedeschi


    Sold by Winezon This wine is made from a high selection of grapes coming from the vineyard La Fabriseria located in the high hill of Valpolicella Classica (Sant’Ambrogio and Fumane communes). The aim, when producing this wine, is to obtain great structure combined with an elegant aroma. This is the basis for continued and increasing excellence during the wine’s entire period of evolution. Learn More
    € 42,11
    € 35,09 -17%
  2. Valpolicella Superiore - Tedeschi


    Sold by Winezon This is the typical Valpolicella Superiore wine made according to the best traditions and with all the characteristics of Tedeschi Family wines: good structure,delicate and elegance flavour. The grapes come from vineyards located in Mezzane and Tregnago hills. Learn More
    € 22,31
    € 19,69 -12%
  3. Capitel Monte Olmi Amarone della Valpolicella - Tedeschi


    Sold by Winezon Monte Olmi is the name of the vineyard located in Pedemonte Valpolicella in the heart of the Valpolicella Classico. It has an area of 2.5 hectares with facing southwest. The vineyard is on terraces: the large slope ensures the loss of water in case of heavy rain while the depth and the clay structure can retain water during periods of drought. Learn More
    € 72,47
    € 60,39 -17%

3 Products/Or

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