Terre Di Giurfo

Terre Di Giurfo

2 Products/Or

  1. Insolia "Suliccènti" - Terre di Giurfo

    Terre Di Giurfo

    Sold by Winezon Straw yellow color, fragrance brings notes of citrus and jasmine. The taste is fresh, dry, with good acidity. You can combine it with vegetables and fish dishes. Learn More
    € 13,07
    € 10,89 -17%
  2. Cerasuolo di Vittoria "Maskarìa" - Terre di Giurfo

    Terre Di Giurfo

    Sold by Winezon The wine has an intense cherry red color. The bouquet is scented with notes of raspberries and blackberries. The taste is soft, full and smooth with balanced tannins. It is excellent with roasted and stewed game. Learn More
    € 17,03
    € 14,19 -17%

2 Products/Or

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